

Represents an NZXT KrakenX device.

Inherits: NZXTSharp.INZXTDevice


Type Name Access Description
HIDDeviceID DeviceID { get; } The HIDDeviceID of the KrakenX device.
NZXTDeviceType Type { get; } The NZXTDeviceType of the KrakenX device.
int ID { get; } A unique device ID.
KrakenXChannel Both { get; } Represents both the Logo, and Ring channels.
KrakenXChannel Logo { get; } Represents the KrakenX’s logo RGB channel.
KrakenXChannel Ring { get; } Represents the KrakenX’s ring RGB channel.
System.Version FirmwareVersion { get; } The KrakenX device’s firmware version.


KrakenX() Constructs a KrakenX instance.