

Represents an NZXT Hue+ device.

inherits: IHueDevice.cs


string Name { get; } The device’s product name.

Channel Both { get; } A Channel object representing both channels on the Hue+

Channel Channel1 { get; } A channel object representing the Channel 1 of the Hue+ device.

Channel Channel2 { get; } A channel object representing the Channel 2 of the Hue+ device.

List<Channel> Channels { get; } A List containing all Channel objects owned by the Hue+ device.

string CustomName { get; set; } A custom name for the HuePlus device instance.

NZXTDeviceType Type { get; } The NZXTDeviceType of the HuePlus device. NZXTDeviceType.HuePlus


HuePlus() Constructs a basic HuePlus instance.

HuePlus(int MaxHandshakeRetry = 5, string CustomName = null) Constructs a HuePlus instance with a custom retry count, and a custom name.
  • param int MaxHandshakeRetry - Defaults to 5
  • param string CustomName - Deafults to null.


void Reconnect() Disposes of and reinitializes to the HuePlus instance’s COMController.

void Dispose() Disposes of the HuePlus instance’s COMController.

void ApplyEffect(Channel channel, IEffect effect, bool SaveToChannel = true) Applies a given IEffect to a given Channel.
  • param Channel channel - The HuePlus Channel to apply the affect to. Must be owned by the same HuePlus instance the effect is being applied to.
  • param IEffect effect - The IEffect to apply.
  • param bool SaveToChannel - Whether or not to save the given IEffect to the given Channel. Defaults to true.

void ApplyCustom(byte[] Buffer) Writes a custom buffer to the HuePlus instance’s COMController.

void UnitLedOn() Turns on the Hue+ device’s unit led.

void UnitLedOff() Turns off the Hue+ device’s unit led.

void SetUnitLed(bool State) Sets the Hue+ device’s unit led based on the State param.
  • param bool State - Which state to set the LED to. true: on, false: off.
void UpdateChannelInfo(Channel Channel) Updates the given Channel’s ChannelInfo.
  • param Channel Channel - The Channel instance to update.


Channels are “owned” by devices. Channels also “own” a number of ISubDevices, and a ChannelInfo object.


int ChannelByte { get; } The Channel instance’s ChannelByte.

IEffect Effect { get: } The IEffect currently applied to the Channel isntance.

bool State { get; } Whether or not the Channel instance is active (on).

ChannelInfo ChannelInfo { get; } The Channel’s ChannelInfo object.

IHueDevice Parent { get; } The device that owns the Channel.

List<ISubDevice> SubDevices { get; } A list of ISubDevices owned by the Channel.


Channel(int ChannelByte) Constructs a Channel instance with the given ChannelByte.
  • param int ChannelByte - The Channel’s ChannelByte; 0x00 for both, 0x01 for Channel 1, 0x02 for Channel 2.
Channel(int ChannelByte, IHueDevice Parent) Constructs a Channel instance with a given ChannelByte, owned by a given Parent.
  • param int ChannelByte - The Channel’s ChannelByte; 0x00 for both, 0x01 for Channel 1, 0x02 for Channel 2.
  • param IHueDevice Parent - The IHueDevice that will own the Channel object.
Channel(int ChannelByte, IHueDevice Parent, ChannelInfo Info) Constructs a Channel instance with a given ChannelByte, owned by a given Parent, and a given ChannelInfo instance.
  • param int ChannelByte - The Channel’s ChannelByte; 0x00 for both, 0x01 for Channel 1, 0x02 for Channel 2.
  • param IHueDevice Parent - The IHueDevice that will own the Channel object.
  • param ChannelInfo Info - A ChannelInfo object about the Channel.


void RefreshSubDevices() Refreshes all ISubDevices in the Channel’s SubDevices list.

void On() Turns the Channel on, and re-applies the last applied effect.

void Off() Turns the Channel off, and applies an “#000000” fixed effect.

void UpdateChannelInfo() Updates the Channel instance’s ChannelInfo object.

void SetChannelInfo(ChannelInfo Info) Sets the Channel instance’s ChannelInfo to a given ChannelInfo “Info”.


Users of NZXTSharp are generally not meant to construct ChannelInfo instances.


int NumLeds { get; } The total number of LEDs available on a Channel.

int NumSubDevices { get; } The number of ISubDevices available on a given Channel.

NZXTDeviceType Type { get; } The type of ISubDevices available on a Channel.


ChannelInfo(byte[] data) Constructs a ChannelInfo instance from some data returned from a channel handshake.


void Update() Updates the information contained in a ChannelInfo object.


Inherits from NZXTSharp.IEffect

EffectName = “CandleLight”


CandleLight(Color Color) Constructs a CandleLight effect.
  • param Color Color - The Color to display.


The direction param is used to specify the direction some effects move in, sometimes defining whether the effect moves smoothly or not.

Inherits from NZXTSharp.IParam


Direction(bool isForward, bool withMovement) Constructs a Direction param with the given bool values.
  • param bool isForward - Whether or not the effect will move forward or backward.
  • param bool withMovement - Whether or not the effect will move smoothly.